We worked on the accessibility of our website to make it easier to use for people with disabilities. The features improve navigation for screen reader users, keyboard navigation, and users of text-only browsers.

The navigation menu is built using HTML lists.


All images used in this website include descriptive alt tag attributes.

Font sizes

You may change the font size of this document to your preference through your browser:

In Internet Explorer, select “View”, then “Text Size”, and then your preferred size. In Firefox, press “control +” and “control –” to resize the text.

Style sheets

This site uses cascading style sheets css for visual layout. If your browser does not support style sheets, the use of structured semantic markup ensures that the content of each page is still readable.


A l’exception de notre newsletter pour des raisons de compatibilité avec les différents types de messagerie, les tableaux ne sont pas utilisés pour la mise en page. Il est néanmoins possible de recevoir notre newsletter au format texte pour les personnes qu’ils le souhaitent.


All forms follow a logical Tab sequence.

Labels are associated with fields using HTML “label” tags.

Web standards

This website conforms to web standards to ensure access to its contents.